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Human Technology: Making the workshop a better place
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Human Technology: Making the workshop a better place
Human Technology: Making the workshop a better place
TUNAP Sustainability Report | Social Standards| GRI: 416-1
With maintenance products used outside the food industry, the focus is usually on price and performance. Substances that would require strict labelling or that would complicate marketing are generally avoided, but is that enough? Is it sufficient and adequate to protect users and people who come into contact with these products? We asked ourselves this question as far back as 20 years ago and, as a result, launched an additional product category: Human Technology.

In the food industry, certified “safe” lubricants are mandatory – for the good of the end consumers. However, in the DIY and trade areas, allergenic, “unsafe” lubricants are used in general.
This has an impact on two groups: users (tradesmen, mechanics) and often end customers (who use the products in car interiors, in the household etc.)
TUNAP has launched a range of maintenance products that are not harmful to humans.
- With no allergenic ingredients.
- With no n-hexane-based solvents. Where possible with absolutely no solvents
- Approved even for food-contact applications
- Also in compliance with the halal and kosher quality standards
- No toxicology-relevant labelling
- Sustainability by protecting your own employees
- Top performance despite fewer raw materials
- Only high-quality, synthetic raw materials
- No environmental hazard label

TUNAP far exceeds the industry standard for food-contact lubricants (NSF H1). This standard principally allows formulations that bear toxicology and environmental hazard-relevant labels.
In this area there are also many raw materials used that are labelled “H317”, which means: “May cause an allergic skin reaction.” TUNAP avoids these hazards in Human Technology as well.

Fragrances in cleaning products can trigger contact allergies.
Fragrances are widely used in the industry. Companies use them so that buyers recognise their products, to create customer loyalty, to give them a pleasant feeling when using their products and to hide unpleasantly smelling cheap raw materials. Unfortunately, fragrances are very questionable from a toxicology aspect and can easily trigger allergies. Since these are type-IV allergies, they cannot be cured and people cannot be desensitised; the only solution is to consistently avoid contact.
In the workplace, this can very quickly lead to people being unable to practise their profession. With own brand and private brand products, TUNAP explains the hazards to its customers and offers alternative products from the Human Technology category. With own brands, also in the form of private brand products, TUNAP makes an important contribution towards optimising the workplace with reduced hazards for employees.

The concept was already implemented many years ago in the TUNAP own brand. In automotive workshops, this product range replaces many standard products, such as oil sprays, rust dissolver and grease sprays. In 2020, we sold more than 500,000 items, which led to a reduction in the emission of critical components in the magnitude of 200 tonnes.

GRI: 416-1:
Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories
Area: Social 400
More information:
TUNAP Human Technology
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