
Chain oil or chain wax?

What's the difference and which product is best for your needs? A question that we get asked quite often. However, the answer is not so easy to answer. Therefore, we want to get to the bottom of this question in detail here.

Chain oil or chain wax - what's the difference and which product is best for your needs?

Chain oil or chain wax - which is better? A question we are frequently asked.However, the answer is not so easy. Therefore, we want to get to the bottom of this question in detail here.

Bicycle chain oil consists of various base oils and special additives, which are thin enough to easily penetrate the chain links of the bicycle chain. Our chain oil Ultimate, developed with the German national track team, as well as the FES and our partners Ghost and Focus, which - thanks to the high-end formula developed by us - is unbeatable in terms of power loss, while at the same time measurable and confirmed time savings was "Best Lubricant" in comparison with 17 competitors - in the great chain oil test of Bike 2020.

There are several types of chain oils on the market, including variants recommended for dry, wet and dusty conditions. A high-end product like Ultimate is suitable for all weather conditions.

We have besides the chain oil Ultimate - which is ideal for all conditions and all types of bikes, also our chain oil Eco. Since one drop of oil can contaminate up to 1,000 liters of water, the Eco chain oil makes sense especially for MTB, Gravel and Dirtbike. In these disciplines, the power loss of the chain does not play such a big role as, for example, on the track and if you are on forest trails and Co, you protect the environment.

In addition, we at TUNAP Sports have developed our chain oil winter. This has an extremely high corrosion protection, excellent protection against road salt damage, is water-repellent and keeps the chain smooth running even at sub-zero temperatures and higher loads.

This is what our TUNAP Sports Ambassador Hannes Klausner says about our chain oil:

"Why oil? I am simply the oil guy. Always have been and probably always will be. I like the handling and the effect of oil and my experiences have always been good. The high quality and laboratory data of TUNAP Sports chain oil Ultimate are also undisputed and convince me. That there is now also an ECO variant of it pleases me personally especially. With only minimally lower performance values at the drive compared to the classic top product Ultimate, but here comes the very important aspect of real environmental and sustainability thought. For me as a nature lover and passionate outdoor sportsman really a decisive reason to use exactly this oil. TUNAP Sports chain oil ECO is my absolute favorite and daily companion as a mountain bike pro and world traveler."

Chain wax is a substance that is applied to the bicycle chain in liquid form and becomes dry and solid after flash-off or cooling. There are different methods for this. Chain wax consists of a mixture of parafines and lubricants and forms a protective layer after application to the chain.

Chain wax attracts less dirt and dust than liquid lubricant. Applying chain wax in a chain wax bath requires considerably more effort and time compared to applying chain oil. Furthermore, additional tools such as an ultrasonic bath with heating are required.

If you want to treat your chain in a chain wax bath, the initial application is laborious. Your chain must first be removed. Then this is completely degreased and cleaned.

Chain wax for a chain wax bath is usually sold as granules, heated in a bowl and liquefied. Then you put your chain in the liquid wax, so that it penetrates into all chain links. Then the chain is removed and after it has dried completely overnight, first made common again by moving. Then it is mounted again.

Therefore, we at TUNAP Sports have developed chain wax as an aerosol to spray on the chain. In addition, the lubricant does not become completely solid, thus a very long lubricating effect is also guaranteed

Our spray wax offers a convenient way to apply the wax to the bicycle chain without having to use your hands and a wax bath. Thus, the application is easier and less time consuming than the manual application of solid chain wax or in a chain wax bath.

Plus, our spray wax helps reduce the amount of wax that gets on other parts of your bike or on your hands. Through our smart brush adapter of the chain wax bottle is an even distribution of wax on the chain possible.

This is what triathlete and TUNAP Sports Ambassador Sebastian Neef says about our TUNAP Sports chain oil:

"I love the TUNAP Sports chain wax because it is simply a mega clean solution. The lubrication effect is significantly lower than with a chain oil and you have to wax quite regularly, but then you have no more annoying chain tattoos and other stains on the skin or clothing. And once you've cleaned the drive properly - for example, with your drive cleaner - one re-waxing is enough, because the dirt sticks much less to the chain and sprockets than usually with oil."

You should always make sure that you select a high-quality spray wax that has been specially developed for bicycle chains, such as our TUNAP Sports products.

Lubricants that are not specifically designed for biking may contain lubricants or solvents that may not be suitable for bicycle chains and are more likely to harm them. Waxes that solidify also have a significant disadvantage. If the wax including the lubricant is displaced from the lubrication point, the lubrication point remains without lubrication because the solid wax is not able to get back into the lubrication point.

TUNAP chain wax can do this, as it does not become completely solid. This clearly distinguishes TUNAP from all "waxes" of the competition.

As with any lubricant - whether chain or other parts on your bike - you should also clean and relubricate the chain regularly. This will ensure that you maintain optimal performance and longevity of your chain. Regardless of whether you use chain oil or chain wax.

How often should you lubricate your chain?

The frequency of applying the lubricant - whether oil or wax depends on several factors, including the type of lubricant, weather conditions, riding conditions and your mileage.

Chain oil:

  • Unlike solid waxes, lubrication with oils lasts much longer. This does not apply to TUNAP chain wax!
  • As a rule, it is recommended to relubricate the chain about every 200-400 km or sooner, depending on how often you ride and under what conditions (rain, mud, etc.).
  • It is essential to clean and degrease the chain regularly - e.g. with our drive cleaner. This will remove not only old oil, but also dust, sand and dirt from your chain.
  • It is important that you check the chain regularly to assess its condition. (The best way to do this is with a wear gauge). If the chain looks dry, makes noise, or shows signs of rust or wear, it's time to oil it. If there is excessive wear'the chain should be replaced and the chainring and sprocket should also be checked.

Chain wax:

  • Chain wax usually forms a lubricating layer that attracts less dirt and dust. Depending on the conditions you ride in, the chain can possibly stay well lubricated between 150-300 km. After that, you should treat it again with chain wax.
  • However, it is advisable to check the chain regularly and refresh the lubrication when the chain shows signs of dryness or wear.

Our conclusion:

The intervals for maintaining your bike's drivetrain depend greatly on individual conditions, including your riding style, weather conditions, and the terrain you ride on.

Basically, it's always a good idea to check your chain before and after long or particularly demanding rides, and lubricate it if necessary. Because one thing is certain: a well-maintained chain ensures better performance, reduces wear and extends the life of the chain and drive components.

Whether it is chain wax or chain oil is and remains in the end often simply an individual decision