
airco well® on Tour

What kind of vehicle does TUNAP have in the yard? The first reactions since the new “airco well® truck” was on display in November have been something like that.

airco well® on tour
airco well® on Tour
airco well® on Tour

Reading time: ca. 3 min. | An article by Martin Rappenglück | TUNAP Blog

What kind of impressive vehicle does TUNAP have in the yard? The first reactions since the new “airco well® truck” was on display in November have been something like that.

120 linear meters of printed advertising space - the TUNAP graphics department normally does not deal with such dimensions. Rather with labels, banners and posts in centimeter format. It was all the more challenging to decorate a Mercedes truck, which had previously brought riding horses from A to B, as an oversized airco well advertising platform.

The truck before and after the stickers.

If we had had a homogeneous surface, this would not have been the biggest problem, apart from the extremely high image resolution required.

With this advertising medium, there was also the fact that almost a hundred windows, doors, wheel cutouts, hinges, strips, indicators, rubbers, couplings, slots and the like had to be pasted around - and of course, they had to be visually selected beforehand and placed and designed accordingly.

The motifs of our current airco well® campaign are used for advertising. In English language, because the vehicle will be on the road across Europe. In any case, the immediate target group is there: on country roads, highways, in cities - wherever the truck is on the move.

We use a web link to ensure that interested drivers can find out more about “healthy air in the vehicle”. If interested, drivers can find a workshop in their region on the airco well® website provided for this purpose.

But that's not all: there will be a trailer this year. In total, an advertising space of more than 100 square meters that cannot be overlooked on the street.

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